Sunday, November 25, 2012

GMG Advent Study

Tis the season to celebrate the birth of our Savior! What better way to do that, then to dig into His word and re-discover the reason for the season.

I am stealing this from the Good Morning Girls website~
The word Advent means “the waiting on the arrival of something important” and for us as Christians, it’s waiting on the arrival of the day we will celebrate the birth of our Savior. Advent is a 4 week preparation time FOR Christmas that focuses on celebrating Christ’s birth, looking forward to His second coming and finding strength in His presence in our lives right now. Seeing God in our past, our future and our present. It’s about preparing our hearts and minds on HIM…..the “reason for the season.” Advent is a deep daily focus on Jesus. Many believe that it is the deepest form of worship at Christmas..not celebrating Christ’s birth and life one day but rather for the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas.

I have participated in a couple of the GMG bible studies and I am so excited to dig into this study as we near my favorite holiday! It is a very simple study to participate in, all you need is your bible, the free e-book available at this Link, and four candles! All of the instructions are on that webpage, and the links to the materials you need are there as well.
I am going to be joining my friend Jessica, an amazing Christian woman and mother (who has a fantastic Blog ) and try and post weekly about what I have learned thus far in the study.
I hope you will join along with me as we prepare our hearts for Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so looking forward to this study. Me and the kids are gonna try to do the activities, and make peppermint bark tomorrow. ;)
