Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mission Trip... Whats the point?

**UPDATE: $900 left to raise by January 14th!! Please consider donating or joining me in prayer**

Is a mission trip like a vacation? What are you doing in Africa? Are you going to go on a safari? Why are you building a church in Africa? What's the point in a mission trip? Why are you sponsoring a child in Africa, why don't you just have a kid? Why is it so expensive?

After announcing to my friends and family that I have decided to go on a missions trip to Swaziland Africa, I have gotten many questions like the ones above.  So I shall enlighten you to the best of my abilities!

Why Africa? One of my best friends went to Africa last year with church, and all of the stories and experiences she shared with me were AMAZING! When I found out River Valley would be sending two groups in February, I felt the Lord tug at my heart and tell me I need to make this trip a reality. My faith has grown so tremendously in the last year that I KNOW this experience will enhance my spiritual growth, I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for me. 

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”Matthew 28:19-20 

A mission trip is not the same thing as a vacation.  To me a mission trip has a main purpose of serving the Lord and spreading his gospel to people who may not know him.  In Africa we plan to serve the people of Swaziland by working at in the community, serving the children at care-points and spreading the word to anyone who will listen! I am so excited to share my testimony and my experiences and my beliefs with other people, especially young people. I am also SUPER excited to get to meet some amazing kiddos and teach them about Jesus!!!

I will learn more about what exactly we will be doing once we have a group meeting, but one of the main things we will be doing is opening up a River Valley Church campus! By launching a church in Swaziland, we are giving so many people the opportunity to learn about Christ and to find salvation in their future in his presence. I am so excited to be part of this experience, it is something our church has been praying about for a long time and for it to finally be opening is amazing! 

As for the safari... not sure, but I HOPE so!!!

Sponsoring a child has always been something I have wanted to do.  Growing up I have never been hungry, I have never not known home, I have always felt safe and provided for.  There are so many kids in this world that don't have the security I grew up with and that makes me so sad.  It makes me want to do something, which is why we are sponsoring a child! It's totally different than having out own kid, its a way to provide for someone and bless someone we have never even met (yet)!

Why is the trip so expensive? Do you know how expensive it is to fly to Africa!?!? That's why! The cost of this trip includes my airfare, transportation, food and all of our accommodations.

So doesn't it sound amazing?!! Yeah, I think so too...
If my story has inspired you, please feel free to click THIS LINK to donate! 
I have deadlines to make and the 1st on is fast approaching, I have to have $1000 raised by Nov. 5th and I am a long ways away from that... 

I pray that you the Lord will provide for you like he has for me and that your faith will be influenced by my story and this blog!

~Pray, Hope and Don't Worry~

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